Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is it wrong to wish my parents would end their marriage?

I'm 12 and my childhood isn't a very happy one. My parents wouldn't stop arguing,yelling,fighting you get the point. Well when I was smaller I felt like I had no one until I entered 5th grade where I met my best friends. My father got laid off from his job in the air force and he was looking for a new job and he finally found one in VIRGINA. We lived in Mississippi. Anyways he moved up there and a year later guess who had an affair. Yeah he did. Now I have to move up here and live without my brothers how got me through my younger years. My dad is a control freak. Everything has to be done his way. My mom started drinking heavily and now I'm falling deeper and deeper into depression. One day I'm getting all pumped up and happy and the next I'm crying in a tub thinking about how much better it would be if I wasn't alive.I told them that I think they should get a divorce, but the answer is jenny I'm trying to work on our marriage and you'll be gone in the next 5 years and ill have no one. So just want to know if its wrong or not. Thanks

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